The Bee in My Budget’s Bonnet

In this blog post, I explain some basic financial parameters of working as an English Language Arts public-school teacher in Tok, Alaska, and show how it relates to my situation. In discussing these aspects of my situation, you’ll get an idea of the challenge that I must overcome.


Appreciated Support

Appreciated Support Readers of my web series, “A Financial Challenge of a Teacher,” may be interested to support me in my quest. There are a great many ways you can help. Like, Comment, Subscribe, and Share A simple way to help is to follow along, provide feedback on my content, and share my story with… Continue reading Appreciated Support


Arctic Miner – Part 5

Blog Series Recap Part 1 (click here to read): Becoming acquainted with Dr. Lawlor’s robotics experiments at UAF. Part 2 (click here to read): Writing a C++ script to collect data from the robot and insert it into the PostreSQL database. Part 3 (click here to read): Creating a Jupyter Notebook script to display the… Continue reading Arctic Miner – Part 5


Arctic Miner – Part 4

Blog Series Recap Part 1 (click here to read): Becoming acquainted with Dr. Lawlor’s robotics experiments at UAF. Part 2 (click here to read): Writing a C++ script to collect data from the robot and insert it into the PostreSQL database. Part 3 (click here to read): Creating a Jupyter Notebook script to display the… Continue reading Arctic Miner – Part 4


Arctic Miner – Part 3

Blog Series Recap Part 1 (click here to read): How I became acquainted with Dr. Lawlor’s robotics experiments at UAF. Part 2 (click here to read): Writing a C++ script to collect data from the robot and insert it into the PostreSQL database. Visualizing the Collected Data With data propagating into our database, we can… Continue reading Arctic Miner – Part 3


Arctic Miner – Part 2

A Brief Recap Previously, in Part 1 of this blog series, I explained how I was hired by Dr. Lawlor at UAF to work as an assistant on his arctic mining robot. Choosing Data Visualization Once I had a chance to catch my bearings in this new environment, we discussed what part of the project… Continue reading Arctic Miner – Part 2


Visual Design

For over a decade I made my living as a visual artist, primarily through illustration. I’m not looking for work as an illustrator at this time, but I would like to integrate my sense of design with my other pursuits, especially data-driven storytelling.


Arctic Miner – Part 1

In March 2023 I was hired by Dr. Orion Lawlor, professor of robotics in the Computer Science Department at the University of Alaska – Fairbanks. I am one of several student research assistants. Our project is to build a robot that is capable of mining ice on the moon. This ice will then be transformed… Continue reading Arctic Miner – Part 1


AtomicDEX RPC Commands

The following content is a collection of API or RPC documentation I wrote for Komodo Platform and their spinoff project, AtomicDEX. The markdown formatting for this document was intricate in nature and it does not transfer to the WordPress blog post format. If you would like to see the raw markdown documentation, please view this… Continue reading AtomicDEX RPC Commands
