Certification Update, May 6th

In this multi-part blog series, I provide an update on my progress in obtaining an English Language Arts master’s degree and state-approved teaching certification. This post focuses on my experience taking the two required exams, including the Praxis Core 5752 Combined Exam, and the Praxis II English Language Arts 5039 Content Exam.

Certification Update, May 3rd

In this multi-part blog series, I provide an update on my progress towards state-approved teacher certification. This post focuses on my experience of the state-required Praxis Core and Content exams administered by ETS.

Certification Update, April 30th

In this multi-part blog series, I discuss my progress towards becoming a state-certified English Language Arts teacher in Alaska. This post delves into the specific coursework and exams that I am in the process of completing towards this goal.

Picturing Success

As I attempt to gain a position of stability as an English Language Arts instructor, I am besought with challenges. There are too many to list here. What I want to do for myself is to create a simple picture in my mind of a successful outcome.


The Bee in My Budget’s Bonnet

In this blog post, I explain some basic financial parameters of working as an English Language Arts public-school teacher in Tok, Alaska, and show how it relates to my situation. In discussing these aspects of my situation, you’ll get an idea of the challenge that I must overcome.


Appreciated Support

Appreciated Support Readers of my web series, “A Financial Challenge of a Teacher,” may be interested to support me in my quest. There are a great many ways you can help. Like, Comment, Subscribe, and Share A simple way to help is to follow along, provide feedback on my content, and share my story with… Continue reading Appreciated Support


Arctic Miner – Part 5

Blog Series Recap Part 1 (click here to read): Becoming acquainted with Dr. Lawlor’s robotics experiments at UAF. Part 2 (click here to read): Writing a C++ script to collect data from the robot and insert it into the PostreSQL database. Part 3 (click here to read): Creating a Jupyter Notebook script to display the… Continue reading Arctic Miner – Part 5
