Certification Update – July 18th

I’m nearing the end of my years-long journey to obtain a master’s degree in teaching English. Over the last month, I’ve completed a few more of the required courses. Here’s an update.

Coursework Complete

Over the last month, I’ve completed a few more courses.

Course NameCreditsCompleted
Foundations of Education2
Educational Psychology and Human Development of Children and Adolescents4
Schools as Communities of Care2
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment2
Assessing Student Learning2
Essential Practices for Supporting Diverse Learners3
Creating and Managing Engaging Learning Environments2
Using Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning2
Secondary Reading Instruction and Interventions2
Secondary Disciplinary Literacy2
English Pedagogy3
Professional Portfolio1
Cohort Seminar1
Required night classes for the MAT English Language Arts degree at WGU

The two new courses completed are the two lowest “check-marked” courses at the bottom of the table.

English Pedagogy was not too difficult, only a little time-consuming. Completing this course took about three or four weeks, but most of that time was due to the fact that I am in the process of moving to Tok, AK.

Secondary Reading Instruction and Interventions took about two and a half summer days. This course was easy, given that my last job was to work in this specific field as a Reading Interventionist.

Project Page Created

To keep information about my WGU degree in one place, I put together a page in my projects section of the website.

Link to “Obtaining a Master’s for Teaching English” Page

How You Can Help

If any of this is ever going to work, I will need outside support.

Here is a link to a blog post that describes how a supportive reader can help me in my quest.

In short, you can…