Have you ever been camping and let a fire burn for a long, long time? You know how, at the end of the fire, there can sometimes be a few small pieces of wood that have burnt to the point where they are just grey dust holding to the shape of charcoal? If you touch… Continue reading Certification Update – Mar 5th
Tag: education
Certification Update – Feb 22nd
The end is nigh. This eight-year long journey to become a certified teacher is drawing to a close. I can feel it in my bones. This post discusses recent progress towards certification.
Certification Update, May 6th
In this multi-part blog series, I provide an update on my progress in obtaining an English Language Arts master’s degree and state-approved teaching certification. This post focuses on my experience taking the two required exams, including the Praxis Core 5752 Combined Exam, and the Praxis II English Language Arts 5039 Content Exam.
Certification Update, May 3rd
In this multi-part blog series, I provide an update on my progress towards state-approved teacher certification. This post focuses on my experience of the state-required Praxis Core and Content exams administered by ETS.
Certification Update, April 30th
In this multi-part blog series, I discuss my progress towards becoming a state-certified English Language Arts teacher in Alaska. This post delves into the specific coursework and exams that I am in the process of completing towards this goal.
Certification Update – April 27th
Nearly all of my free time right now is dedicated to the process of becoming a certified teacher in the State of Alaska. This requires that I take exams, complete a new educational degree, and perform demonstration teaching, among other things. With each required step completed, I get closer to a time in life in… Continue reading Certification Update – April 27th