Obtaining a Master’s for Teaching English

About This Project

In 2017, out of a love for storytelling and teaching, and from a desire to have gainful employment, I began the process of obtaining a master’s degree in English Education to teach at the secondary grade level.

This page contains a history of this years-long endeavor.

Blog Posts

The following are blog posts discussing my progress towards this degree.

Posts from 2024

Certification Update – April 27th

Certification Update – April 30th

Certification Update – May 3rd

Certification Update – May 6th

Certification Update – June 14th

Certification Update – July 18

Overall Progress

The following is a checklist of all of the steps necessary to undertake to earn the certificate.


Bachelor’s Degree

A teaching certificate requires a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.

Bachelor’s of Fine Arts: Illustration120+
I completed my bachelor’s degree at Brigham Young University in 2007

English Language Prerequisite Courses

Because my bachelor’s degree was not specifically in the English Language Arts, Western Governor’s University required that I complete a number of prerequisite courses.

Writing (1 of 2)BYUENGL1153
Writing (2 of 2)BYUENGL3113
PresentationStraighter L.COM1013
Cultural StudiesBYUMUS1953
Literature (1 of 3)BYUREL1212
Literature (2 of 3)BYUREL1222
Literature (3 of 3)BYUREL2112
Additional Engl.BYUENGL2183
Additional Engl.BYUENGL2913
Additional Engl.BYUENGL2923
Prerequisite courses complete to qualify for WGU’s Master’s of Education: Teaching English (Secondary)

WGU Night Courses

The WGU MAT program in teaching English requires the following courses. Courses are administered online and can be completed at an essentially arbitrary pace.

Course NameCreditsCompleted
Foundations of Education2
Educational Psychology and Human Development of Children and Adolescents4
Schools as Communities of Care2
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment2
Assessing Student Learning2
Essential Practices for Supporting Diverse Learners3
Creating and Managing Engaging Learning Environments2
Using Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning2
Secondary Reading Instruction and Interventions2
Secondary Disciplinary Literacy2
English Pedagogy3
Professional Portfolio1
Cohort Seminar1
WGU required courses for the MAT English Language Arts (Secondary) program.

On-the-job Coursework

As a part of the WGU master’s degree program, I am required to complete on-the-job clinical hours.

Course NameCreditsCompleted
Preclinical Experiences in English2
Supervised Demonstration Teaching in English, Observations 1 & 22
Supervised Demonstration Teaching in English, Observations 3 & Midterm2
Supervised Demonstration Teaching in English, Observations 4 & 52
Supervised Demonstration Teaching in English, Observations 6 & Final2
Teacher Performance Assessment in English1
WGU required coursework that is completed on-site

State-Required Coursework

While the above courses are required by my master’s degree program, there are other courses that are required by the State of Alaska itself before I can be considered a licensed teacher.

Alaska Studies Coursework3
Alaska Multicultural Coursework3
Alaska state-required coursework for teacher certification

List of Exams

Here is a checklist of Praxis Exam requirements.

Exam NamePassed
Praxis – Core Academic Skills for Educators: Writing
Praxis – Core Academic Skills for Educators: Mathematics
Praxis – Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading
Praxis II English Language Arts: Content and Analysis 5039
Required Exams for State Certification as an English Language Arts instructor.