Have you ever been camping and let a fire burn for a long, long time? You know how, at the end of the fire, there can sometimes be a few small pieces of wood that have burnt to the point where they are just grey dust holding to the shape of charcoal? If you touch… Continue reading Certification Update – Mar 5th
Author: bluesanta
Searching for a New Job
I’m grateful for the opportunity to complete my student teaching as a team member of the Alaska Gateway School District, located in Tok, AK. My employer kindly offered another one-year contract for the upcoming 2025-26 school year. Unfortunately, due to my family situation, I was not able to accept. When this school year concludes, I… Continue reading Searching for a New Job
Certification Update – Feb 22nd
The end is nigh. This eight-year long journey to become a certified teacher is drawing to a close. I can feel it in my bones. This post discusses recent progress towards certification.
Certification Update – Jan 1st
The last four months provided nonstop educational action. From teaching my own classes to completing the coursework required for my degree and certificate, I’ve had hardly a moment to breathe. What a great semester. This post provides an update about my progress towards teacher certification. (Spoiler: I’m approaching the finish line.)
A Financial Challenge of a Teacher: August 7, 2024 Update
My first day as a teacher at the Alaska Gateway School District begins tomorrow. Exciting! My time to budget is expired as the future has arrived. Costs are already flowing out of my pocket. This post discusses the state of affairs just before the year begins.
Creating a Life Dashboard: Introduction
Data gathering and usage are already a notable part of my personal life, and yet I know that I am capturing not even a fraction of the existing benefits and potential of this endeavor. For years now, one of my primary data related goals has been to have a customized dashboard that I use to… Continue reading Creating a Life Dashboard: Introduction
A Financial Challenge of a Teacher: July 20, 2024 Update
The school year is about to begin and I’ve managed to hammer out a workable budget. The financial parameters of the budget assume an imaginary scenario where nothing goes wrong and I have perfect discipline. With that understanding, let’s take a look.
Divorce: What An Awful Word
Between the years 2015 and 2024, I haven’t made a whole lot of noise. I hardly said a word about my first published book. I stopped drawing, painting, and writing. I even shut down my old website — bryanbeus.com. There is a big reason why. Everything can be summed up with a simple word: divorce.
Certification Update – July 18th
I’m nearing the end of my years-long journey to obtain a master’s degree in teaching English. Over the last month, I’ve completed a few more of the required courses. Here’s an update.
Certification Update – June 14
In this multi-part blog series, I discuss my progress towards becoming a state-certified English Language Arts teacher in Alaska. This post discusses the progress of my coursework towards completing towards this goal.